
Some words about my struggling phase in life.

Some days ago I stood at a point, where on the path I was to choose,
between two roads ahead of me, that lead me to two different goals.

One of them was paved with cement, with cars and buses to comfort me,
the path was laid with directions, to follow and reach the destiny.

On the other lay grass and stones, with bees and insects to company,
no friend was there to hold a hand, and give a smile to strength me.

I took the path that was less travelled, and found myself soiled in the rain,
but still kept walking without any fear, and that's what has made all the difference.

I still accept to take the same road ahead, not to follow the footsteps of people who're dead.
To create a new route to achieve my goals, and set footprints for others to follow and mould!

In the warmth of today's morning sunlight, I looked back to measure yards covered over the steep hike,
To rejoice at the distance I've covered over time, and miles to be covered before I earn the Eternal Dime.